Adapting to a New Reality in the Workplace

Are You Concerned with Going Back to Work or
Having Your Employees Come Back to Work?

This is offered as a webinar.  Employees and management can attend from the comfort of their home or work office. 

It’s great that companies are opening and employees are getting back to work, but now you have to adapt to the New Reality.  COVID19 has changed the way employees work.  For employers, things you might not have thought about before are now important…like Social Distancing, Personal Protective Equipment and employees afraid to come to work. For employees, how do you adapt to going back to work.  It’s a new world and whether your employer or an employee, you need to adapt.  We are here to help.

Fear and anxiety about this new disease and other strong emotions can be overwhelming, and job-related stress can lead to burnout. Julie McGrath’s new training can assist in mitigating work related factors that can lead to increased stress and decreased productivity. Her new training includes:

  • How to prepare for workplace changes

  • Helping to create a supportive work environment for all

  • How to manage stress and burnout


THURSDAY 5/28/20 @ 10 am


Come join us for this informative webinar which will show you how to handle the fear and stress of going back to work or having employees come back to work. The webinar consists of a 1 hour talk and a 30 minute Q&A session where Julie will answer your questions. Only $45 for this great webinar.

If you would like to be alerted to the next scheduled webinar, please complete the form below.



Julie will work with you to customize her talk to the specific needs of your company.

To schedule your webinar, complete the form below or call Julie at (978) 587-7324.

Schedule Your Webinar Today!