We offer workshops that can be tailored to the needs of your company, agency, organization or professional development day.
Attendees will walk away with concrete tools to help them make changes in their lives and workplace.
MOST POPULAR — Job Stress, Burnout and Self Care: What Every Employee Needs to Know to Feel Invested and Energized in Their Work
When the alarm goes off, do you grumble and moan, dreading the start of another work day? Most of us deal with stress at our job – deadlines, productivity, demanding bosses, etc., but sometimes the ‘grumbles’ turn dangerously into burnout. Learn to identify the differences and how to improve your attitude, choices and overall life so you can be happier, healthier and more effective at your job and life.
The Confident Leader: Maximizing Your Potential for Every Day Success
Leadership roles can be challenging careers leaving managers burdened, overwhelmed, stressed and dangerously burnt out. This workshop is designed to help leaders uncover unhelpful habits that prevent them from reaching their full potential. Participants will learn how to delegate effectively and feel empowered to confidently handle crises and stressful situations. Communication styles, time management techniques and stress management will be woven into this workshop to allow the participants to tap into their potential for everyday success.
The Vision of Your Best Self: 6 principles to keep you focused, engaged and thriving in your daily work
Ready for your staff to start performing at their best? Need to press the reset button on work attitude and mindset? This workshop will help all staff members set a vision of their best self, allowing them to tap into their full potential whether as a team player, effective communicator or problem solver; this workshop will cover the most important principles to keep your staff focused, engaged and thriving! Get the good vibes flowing!
Creating a Work Atmosphere that Attracts and Sustains Happy Employees and Increased Productivity - A Workshop for Managers
The role of managers is to increase efficiency and productivity, but what’s often missing in their toolbox is setting an office tone that focuses on morale, self-care and avoiding burnout. In this workshop, managers will learn principles for successful management (including what managerial styles attract, focus on and keep the most talented employees), how to reach staff who are struggling and ways to keep staff enthusiastic and invested in their work.
The Pursuit of Happiness: How to thrive during challenging times
This workshop will focus on the pursuit of (lasting) happiness by exploring key components of resilience that have been proven to reduce stress and increase life satisfaction. Participants will feel inspired and motivated to release obstacles, turn off doubt and worry and uplevel their energy for a more fulfilling work and home life.
“Julie’s presentation was motivational and caring. She provided so many messages of hope and ways to live a happy life. It was a very timely workshop, in light of all of the global events of the world.”
Motivation, Productivity…and Joy! Tools for Employees to Sustain a Career of Passion, Purpose and Success!
This workshop is designed to renew the excitement and passion for anyone who has found themselves searching for purpose and fulfillment in their everyday work. It will lead them through a series of steps to determine where the joy is going if one is burdened, overwhelmed and stressed. Whether it be time management, work camaraderie, or personal issues, Julie will address them all and more as a way to uncover what is standing in the way of a fulfilling work life. Each participant will walk away with action steps to enhance joy for their work, reduce their stress and rediscover a love for their job!
Boundaries: What Every Employee Needs to Know to Keep Relationships Professional and Thriving
This workshop focuses on both personal and professional boundaries with an emphasis on professional, in depth discussion of boundaries as the foundation of the profession and the importance of setting firm ones, communicating boundaries to clients (and others in your life!), and the warning signs of broken boundaries.
Stay Focused and Productive during Challenging Times; How to move beyond self-sabotage, low motivation, burnout and into a new and more energized you!
Come hear the research about wellbeing and it’s actually not as complicated as you think, then why can’t we just move in a healthier, happier direction? If you feel stuck, stagnate with minimal energy, Julie will tell you why and break down some barriers so you can (and look forward to) invite positivity and joy in your life. This feeling will reflect back into the workplace and team to motivate and stay on track.
Working with Difficult People: How to Create Positive Relationships at Work and Dispel Workplace Negativity
In every workplace, there are toxic people who create a negative work environment. Maybe they gossip, whine and complain, or undermine and sabotage the work of others. Whatever their behavior, they create a hostile workplace that can lead to reduced productivity, staff turnover, loss of revenue and poor morale. It is crucial that staff and managers learn how to deal with negative personalities so they don’t infect the entire workplace.